How You Can Tell If Your Antidepressant Is Not Working Near Duluth
Taking an antidepressant is typically a crucial aspect of treatment if you are dealing with a depression disorder. Antidepressants may lessen depression symptoms and help you live life just as you want. But what if you still experience distressing depression symptoms in spite of taking the medication?
Unfortunately, determining the most effective antidepressant can involve some trial and error. Not all antidepressants work for every person. But you don’t have to throw in the towel on overcoming depression if your prescription hasn’t helped. Here’s how you can tell if your antidepressant is not working anymore near Duluth and some new alternatives that could prove beneficial.
Indications That Your Antidepressant Isn’t Working As Intended
You realize it can take time for an antidepressant to make you feel better, and you may still experience a few off days. But, you could be taking your medication as instructed, and your depression symptoms might be just as intense. Is the medication not effective, or are your expectations merely too lofty?
To help you decide if you should consider switching out medications, review these signs that your antidepressant is not working anymore near Duluth.
Your Depression Hasn’t Improved Enough Or You’ve Seen No Difference
Your medical provider probably informed you that it might take awhile before you experience the positive results of antidepressants. You must also take your antidepressant as instructed. But if you haven’t noticed any mitigation of symptoms after several months of using your medication, it in all likelihood isn’t going to work for you.
You Endure Various Unwanted Side Effects
It’s normal to have some side effects when taking antidepressants. Some may be bearable or go away after your doctor modifies your medication. But if your prescription’s side effects are wreaking havoc on your life or causing you to be despondent, your antidepressant isn’t right for you. It’s supposed to improve your life, after all!
Your Medication Wore Off Too Quickly
Did you feel better on your antidepressant at first, but that positive change quickly wore off? Doctors caution that it’s reasonable to encounter a placebo effect when you start an antidepressant. Typically, antidepressants take effect after several weeks. If you felt different right after you began your prescription, it may have been your anticipation that the antidepressant would help.
You could also have developed a tolerance for your antidepressant. If it performed well for quite some time but unexpectedly stopped, you may need an increased or different dose.
What You Can Do If Antidepressants Aren’t Working In Duluth
If you detect any of these signals that your antidepressants aren't working near Duluth, request an appointment with your doctor or psychiatrist immediately. They can collaborate with you to change your prescription or dose. They could also recommend lifestyle modifications and regular therapy along with medication.
What if you’ve attempted multiple antidepressants without any luck? Treatment-resistant depression is a legitimate concern, and you are deserving of help. If you’ve attempted no less than three distinct antidepressants without an improvement in your depression, speak with your medical team about the new prescriptions available for treatment-resistant depression and if you may be a possible candidate.
Antidepressants Not Working Near Duluth? The Counseling Center Is Ready To Help
If you’re struggling to manage your depression, The Counseling Center At Duluth is here to help. We are your source for professional mental health services for adults and adolescents. Dial 470-444-4194 or submit the contact form below, and we’ll set up your appointment.