Greening Out: The Increased Dangers Of Cannabis Use
September 27, 2024
"Greening out" is a slang phrase alluding to a state of feeling ill or experiencing adverse effects after consuming too much cannabis, especially when the THC level is high. As cannabis strains have become stronger, this occurrence has become noticeably more prevalent. Greening out often includes symptoms like dizziness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, anxiety, and sometimes even panic attacks.
Keep reading to investigate what greening out can feel like, how to circumvent it, and the perils of marijuana use. Being aware of the threats and knowing how to take cannabis sensibly is crucial.
What Are The Potential Risks Of Marijuana Use?
Even though cannabis use can be beneficial under medical supervision, its potential to manifest into a substance use disorder is noteable. Some hazards associated with marijuana include:
- Impeded cognitive ability and memory: Ongoing marijuana use can make it harder to focus, learn, and retain information.
- Increased risk of psychiatric conditions: Cannabis use, particularly in higher doses, has been linked to anxiety, depression, and bouts of psychosis in certain users.
- Dependency and substance use disorder: Although it’s considered not as addictive as other drugs, cannabis might still cause addiction, where a person feels unable to go about life without it.
- Respiratory difficulties: Cannabis use through inhalation might cause lung irritation and more respiratory ailments, comparable to the effects of smoking tobacco.
Awareness of these hazards is crucial, especially for people predisposed to substance use or mental illness.
What Does Greening Out Mean?
Greening out, also called "whiteying," refers to the physical effects of consuming too much marijuana in a brief time. Whiteying is how the cannabis-using subculture sees, and at times mocks, the noticeable greening consequences. Users could feel distressed, very sleepy, and unable to enjoy the high they were after.
In small doses, cannabis can relax users and amplify senses. Slightly increased doses may give rise to new perspectives and the infamous "munchies." However, larger amounts increase the danger of greening out, prompting a range of unwanted symptoms.
What Does Greening Out Look Like?
Greening out generally arises with a combination of these symptoms:
- Stomach issues, nausea, and vomiting: An overindulgence of THC may upset the stomach. While this often passes, in some cases, it might be a precursor for vomiting, specifically if someone has taken a substantial quantity of cannabis.
- Distinct paleness, sweating, and shaking: Muscle shakes and quivers, especially in the legs, are commonplace after ingesting excessive THC. Sweating and a lack of color in the face are also frequent symptoms.
When Is Greening Out Most Likely To Happen?
Greening out can happen to any cannabis user, no matter their experience. But, curious beginners are more prone to experience it. Here is when greening out is likely:
- Novice users: Individuals new to cannabis are still figuring out how it influences their bodies. This can lead to overconsumption, especially when users are determined to get the full effects.
- Empty stomach: Ingesting without eating earlier can enhance the risk as there isn’t any food to help absorb the substance.
- More powerful products: Long-time smokers searching for stronger highs might try dabs or high-potency edibles, which might result in greening out.
- Edibles: Edibles are known for causing greening out. Unlike smoking, which generates a swift high, edibles start slower but last quite a bit longer—frequently up to 8 hours. The strong, enduring effects can make the sensation overpowering.
What Actions To Take If Someone Is Greening Out
Despite the fact it’s usually short-lived, greening out is not pleasant. If you've endured it, you might have wondered, "Could I possibly die from this?" The good news is that, while it may feel horrible, it’s not life-threatening. However, there are steps to help yourself or someone else feel better:
- Quit consuming: If you or another person is greening out, quit takingcannabis immediately.
- Get outside: Stepping outside for fresh air may decrease feelings of dizziness and nausea.
- Relax and breathe: Breathe deeply and make an effort to calm down. Panicking will only make things worse.
- Lie down: Find a comfy place to kick back and let the effects go away. Resting can help your body recover.
- Remain calm: Know that the distressing sensations will end. Don’t let panic take over and speak with a friend for support.
Find Guidance For Cannabis Use Near Duluth
Are you repeatedly greening out? Do you feel like you aren’t able to quit using marijuana in spite of the negative consequences? If you want to halt this downward spiral, The Counseling Center At Duluth is here to help. Contact us 470-444-4194 day or night, and we’ll provide the guidance you need, whether that’s detox, inpatient rehab, or outpatient treatment.